We always aim to offer high quality service products

Linux Shared Web Hosting.

Host your site on the world’s favourite open source platform! Easy signup, reliable performance and easy management through  Website Control Panel. If you’re new to the world of web hosting, our Linux packages are the best place to start. Using the Website Control Panel you can easily configure your hosting to deliver on your needs. You can easily start setting up your customer email addresses in the Website Control Panel and get your new internet venture off the ground.


E115 / month (incl. VAT)

  • 1 Database
  • 1 GB Website Space
  • 10 Email Addresses
  • 1 FTP Users


E690 / month (incl. VAT)

  • 10 Databases
  • 10 GB Website Space
  • 100 Email Addresses
  • 5 FTP Users


E1,150 / month (incl. VAT)

  • 20 Databases
  • 20 GB Website Space
  • 200 Email Addresses
  • 10 FTP Users


E1,725 / month (incl. VAT)

  • 20 Databases
  • 30 GB Website Space
  • 300 Email Addresses
  • 10 FTP Users


E2,300 / month (incl. VAT)

  • 30 Databases
  • 50 GB Website Space
  • 400 Email Addresses
  • 10 FTP Users

SSL Certificate

SSL stands for Secure Socket(s) Layer which provides users with non-forgeable proof of the identity of the website they are connecting to. The purpose of SSL certificates is to ensure the data exchanged between their browser and the site they are connecting to cannot be read, deciphered or decrypted by a third party who may be tapping in to the data exchange between your Browser and the remote server. Onswaziline facilitate for registration of SSL certificates for clients. A standard SSL Certificate Registration/Renewal Fee is E575 (incl.VAT) per annum


Onswaziline incorporates Google Analytics scripts to website in order to track usage data. Using Google Analytics is also beneficial because it helps in the search engine optimization of the website.


  • Onswaziline Linux Shared Web Hosting is a minimum 12 month contract and the fees are paid on an annual basis.
  • Onswaziline offers Linux Shared Web Hosting subject to reasonable and responsible usage, as determined at Onswaziline's discretion.
  • Onswaziline reserves the right to move Clients deemed to have excessive bandwidth usage to a Cloud product, which will better suit their requirements. Clients will be given notice as such, and will be informed of any cost implications.
  • Disk Space on Linux Shared Web Hosting may only be used for Website Content, Emails and related System Files. General data storage, archiving or file sharing of documents, files or media not directly related to the website content is strictly prohibited. Unauthorised storage or distribution of copyrighted materials is prohibited, via FTP hosts or any other means.
  • Onswaziline will implement security updates, software patches and other updates or upgrades from time to time, to maintain the best performance, at their sole discretion. These upgrades include, but are not limited to, PHP, MySQL and CPanel release versions. Onswaziline is under no obligation to effect such upgrades, or to rectify any impact such changes could potentially have to Hosting Clients.
  • Onswaziline will not be liable or responsible for the backing up, restoration or loss of data under any circumstances. Clients are solely responsible for ensuring their data is regularly backed up and for restoring such backups in the event of data loss or corruption.
  • Onswaziline prohibits Clients from doing the following on hosting platforms administered by Onswaziline:
    1. Running applications that are not production-ready. Any applications on the hosting platform must be optimised with respect to memory usage and must have appropriate data indexing.
    2. Running applications with inadequate security controls.
    3. Generating significant side-channel traffic from an application, whether by design or otherwise. Databases should be stored locally, and remote content should be cached.
    4. Failure to maintain proper “housekeeping” on a shared server including storing or generating useless content, including comment spam, unused cache files, log file and database entries.
    5. Storing malicious content, such as malware or links to malware.
    6. Monopolising server resources, including CPU time, memory, network and disk bandwidth.
    7. Maintaining long-running processes and long-running database queries.
    8. Storing or running back-door shells, mass mailing scripts, proxy servers, web spiders, phishing content, or peer-to-peer software.
    9. Sending bulk mail of any form, particularly mail that cannot be efficiently delivered due to volume or incorrect addresses.
    10. Using poor passwords.
    11. Sharing security credentials with untrusted parties.
    12. Running Torrents for download or Seed Servers.
    13. Running TOR (or other Online Anonymity Services).
    14. Otherwise circumventing the Acceptable Use Policy or intended use of the product.
  • Onswaziline strictly prohibits any crypto currency associated activities or mechanisms to be run on any part of our hosting network or servers within our hosting environment.

Spam and Unsolicited Bulk Mail

  • Onswaziline regards all unsolicited bulk email (whether commercial in nature or not) as spam, with the following exceptions:
    1. Mail sent by one party to another where there is already a prior relationship between the two parties and the subject matter of the message(s) concerns that relationship;
    2. Mail sent by one party to another with the explicit consent of the receiving party.
    3. Clients should only receive bulk mail that they have requested and/or consented to receive and/or which they would expect to receive as a result of an existing relationship.
  • Onswaziline will take swift and firm action against any user engaging in any of the following unacceptable practices:
    1. Sending unsolicited bulk mail for marketing or any other purposes (political, religious or commercial) to people who have not consented to receiving such mail.
    2. Using any part of Onswaziline’s infrastructure for the purpose of unsolicited bulk mail, whether sending, receiving, bouncing, or facilitating such mail.
    3. Operating or maintaining mailing lists without the express permission of all recipients listed. In particular, Onswaziline does not permit the sending of "opt-out" mail, where the recipient must opt out of receiving mail which they did not request. For all lists, the sender must maintain meaningful records of when and how each recipient requested mail. Onswaziline will also monitor Clients deemed to be operating “cleaning lists”, which is using illegally obtained email addresses but removing addresses as complaints arise. Should Onswaziline, at its discretion, believe that this is the case, it will be treated as SPAM.
    4. Failing to promptly remove from lists invalid or undeliverable addresses or addresses of unwilling recipients or a recipient who has indicated s/he wishes to be removed from such list, or failing to provide the recipient with a facility to opt-out.
    5. Using Onswaziline's service to collect responses from unsolicited email sent from accounts on other Internet hosts or e-mail services that violate this AUP or the AUP of any other Internet service provider. Advertising any facility on Onswaziline’s infrastructure in unsolicited bulk mail (e.g. a website advertised in spam).
    6. Including Onswaziline's name in the header or by listing an IP address that belongs to Onswaziline in any unsolicited email whether sent through Onswaziline's network or not.
    7. Failure to secure a Client's mail server against public relay as a protection to themselves and the broader Internet community. Public relay occurs when a mail server is accessed by a third party from another domain and utilised to deliver mails, without the authority or consent of the owner of the mail-server. Mail servers that are unsecured against public relay often become abused by unscrupulous operators for spam delivery and upon detection such delivery must be disallowed. Onswaziline reserves the right to examine users' mail servers to confirm that no mails are being sent from the mail server through public relay and the results of such checks can be made available to the user. Onswaziline also reserves the right to examine the mail servers of any users using Onswaziline's mail servers for "smarthosting" (when the user relays its mail via an Onswaziline mail server to a mail server of its own or vice versa) or similar services at any time to ensure that the servers are properly secured against public relay. All relay checks will be done in strict accordance with Onswaziline's Privacy Policy and the laws of Eswatini.